Adelaide getting decked

September 11 2013

Great ocean roadHybrideck hjas once again confirmed its commitment to serving the people of Adelaide by registering for this years October Home and Gardening show. After attending last Octobers event and again in April it was an easy decision to visit old freinds and new Hybrideck frineds at the upcoming event at the Wayville showgrounds.  Hybrideck composite decking has been very well received by the people of Adelaide and response by attendees at the shows has been great. we have supplied decks to a number of people who attended the shows in many of the areas in and arround Adelaide.  Composite decking and Adelaide seem to go hand in hand as people use their deck so much becuase of the favourable waether. Hybrideck’s composite deckinghas been in use for many years In Adelaide and South Australia and has proven to be a real winner