Hybrideck composite decking seats
June 13 2019This council needed a product that would give them comfort and functionality. Hybrideck composite decking was selected for durability and performance.
The flexibility of Hybrideck composite decking means the boards can be worked exactly the same as timber. In the included photos the edges have been ‘squared up’ using a circular saw with its guide installed on it. Followed by a fine electric plane pass to give the machined edge appearance. At Hybrideck we are often asked if we have a standard board without the edge groove on it.
Because of our desire to provide you with as many options as possible and to all our customers – builders, developers, home renovators, trades people and even home handy men, we do not manufacture a product with a square edge as this would become limiting because it would be manufactured to a set width.
Making sure the product is workable like any type of timber provides for greater flexibility and so many more versatile installation options.