Can I put lights into my composite decking boards?
March 10 2014Because Hybrideck can be worked with exactly the same tools as timber it is very easy to install lights into your decking as shown in the pictures included in this article. If you are building a new deck it is the best time to install suitable wiring and power supply. This work is always best completed by a qualified electrician. If your Hybrideck is already installed using the Hybrideck hidden fixing system you have the luxury of being able to easily retro fit Led lighting. Your Hybrideck can easily be removed by unscrewing the hidden fastening clips and lifting the decking boards to gain access to install your wiring for power supply to your new decking lighting. Of course your Hybrideck will not get damaged if you carefully unscrew the fastening system and can be reinstalled after your wiring is in place. You can also install you LED strip lights in the same manner. Be sure to centre your lights in the middle of your Hybrideck boards so the finish will look as balanced as possible. For further information regarding installing lighting into your decking please press on the following link. Hybrideck contact details