Yearly Archive: 2014
November 27 2014
Making your timber veranda maintainence free
How to make your verandah maintainence free. In the photos below you will see how one smart home owner who was tired of the ongoing maintenance program associated with his timber deck solved his problem. The use of Composite decking materials provides the perfect solution if you need to replace your existing front or rear veranda decking boards.... Read more
November 19 2014
Is composite decking ok beside the sea?
Hybrideck Composite decking is perfect for harsh weather. If you have a deck area that can be subject to harsh weather conditions or exposed to salt air then Hybrideck composite decking is the perfect choice. Hybrideck wood plastic decking is unaffected by salt water so is perfect if your home is beside the ocean or a salt water bay bay... Read more
June 18 2014
Can I use composite decking for under my deck?
This clever home owner needed a solution for the area underneath their 1st floor deck. They required a very low maintenance solution given the residence is a holiday home with occasional use and very close to the sea so exposed to the rigours of salt air. Their first preference was for timber but the time and... Read more
March 10 2014
How can I use composite decking?
The beauty of Hybrideck composite decking is it can be used in so many applications that may either give you some ideas for your own composite decking project or how flexible Plastic wood deck can be when you are considering what you can do in your own back yard. From building composite bench seats to... Read more
March 10 2014
Can I put lights into my composite decking boards?
Because Hybrideck can be worked with exactly the same tools as timber it is very easy to install lights into your decking as shown in the pictures included in this article. If you are building a new deck it is the best time to install suitable wiring and power supply. This work is always best completed by... Read more
February 12 2014
Will composite decking stain my walls like timber?
Unlike Merbau decking as seen in the photos below and other timbers similarly, Hybrideck composite decking boards do not leech tannins. This makes Plastic wood composite ideal when looking for the right product to put on a second floor balcony or when your deck comes in contact with your swimming pool. As in the photos... Read more
February 11 2014
How do I cut composite decking to get the finish I want it.
There are a number of ways to finish your new composite deck both against your dwelling or on an edge where there is no buildings A popular way to end up with a very nice finish on your outside edge is to finish your last flat board right to the edge of your deck leaving the... Read more
February 10 2014
Million dollar seaside home – composite decking solution !
Wood composite decking was seen as the perfect solution for this architecturally designed seaside home. Being acutely aware that the harsh elements of Bass strait would be beating on this Victoria coastal home. It was important to have a no maintenance product given the holiday location was to enjoyed and not burdened with maintenance at every... Read more
January 10 2014