Hybrideck News

August 10 2013
Hybrideck onto concrete existing slab
Joan and Jack enjoy thier brand new Hybrideck. Laying out the subfloor correctly is important. This client wanted to paint his subfloor. Lifting the fascia board into place – working from the outside in is normally best. Make sure your sub floor is leveled prior to laying your Hybrideck. The outside frame is laid then... Read more
May 20 2013
Adelaide embraces Hybrideck
Adelaide has embraced Hybrideck following the recent Adelaide homeshow held at the Wayville showgrounds. Enquiry was thick and fast at the show held over the weekend 19th -21st of April. Enquiry was fielded from the four corners of the South Australia. Adelaide representative Rob Hobbs was delighted with the result stating “although we have been... Read more
August 6 2012
Deck maintenence in winter
The beauty of composite decking is the lack of maintenence anytime. depending on where you reside you may get very little use of your dec k during the winter months. Traditionally if your deck was timber this period would be combined with the knowledge that the winter weather would be tearing at your decking. With... Read more
April 13 2012
Making a decking choice?
When it comes to enjoying the great australian outdoors nothing compares to an area of decking. Making a choice in purchasing and installing decking becomes a very important decision. If this is your first deck or you have only experienced one type of decking the decision becomes all the more difficult. Items to consider when selecting... Read more
March 2 2012
Is it that Plastic decking?
Composite decking today is still incorrectly referred to as Plastic decking. Some of the early versions of composite decking did have a high content of plastic in them. In fact some early composite decking was in fact 100% plastic. This made the surface hot enough to”cook and egg on”, subject to twisting and warping. Plastic decking with high concentrations of plastic bought with it a whole... Read more
March 1 2012
Hybrideck composite decking the right enviormental choice
Composite decking can be the right choice if looking after the envioroment is important to you. Check the composite decking system you are thinking of using uses 95% or above receycled materials. Often composite decking is referred to as plastic decking, Many composite decking products are more timber than they are plastic plastic. Early examples of composite decking used high plastic content... Read more
December 21 2011